Ten Small Things I Love for No Big Reason
It's Spring! Time to meme!
1. Buttons. Not the kind that hold your clothes together, I mean pins, badges, whatever you call them in your neck of the woods. I. love. buttons. Political buttons, snarky buttons, silly buttons, band buttons, I love 'em all. Buttons were a cheap, portable souvenier when I was traveling last year; I got a Spanish Rosie the Riveter from anarchists in Madrid ("Mierda al patriarcado!"), a button from the neighborhood I stayed at in Berlin, buttons from the museums in London. And, of course, a host of gay and feminist buttons ("Watch me make up my mind instead of my face." Bless you, Sleater-Kinney). I even have a "Cake or Death?" button. I could spend all day at Mushycat.
2. Postcards. Almost as good as buttons, except you can't wear them. A godsend for travelers like me, who can't take a picture worth a damn.
3. Internet radio. Another godsend, and the best way to discover new music for folks without the access or wherewithal to go to gigs. I'm all about Pandora Radio right now.
4. Mix CDs. Love making 'em, and getting them. It's the cheapest way for me to be creative, and an easy, fun present for my friends.
5. Celestial Seasonings Honey Vanilla Chamomile tea. Mmmm. My new favorite. I love Celestial Seasonings with their corny illustrations--my inner 9 year old still thinks the dragon and princess on the box of Tension Tamer is totally cool.
6. Childe Ballad #10. Generally known as "The Two Sisters," like every ballad there's a million billion versions. If an album has this song on it, I'll buy it. There's something morbidly fascinating about how the murdered sister's body is transformed, first into a swan, then a musical instrument (usually a harp). Sometimes the eldest sister is boiled in lead as punishment. See? Gothic stuff. And it's usually performed with a bouncy tune.
7. Mourning doves. I don't find them haunting or mournful at all; I love the sound of them early in the morning.
8. Lilacs. My favorite flower. I wish I could have a big fat lilac bush here, but the climate isn't right for it.
9. Riding in the car with the windows down and radio up, especially at night. There's something exhilarating and free about it.
10. Durwaigh Gallery. Durwaigh Gallery Yes, I'm a fantasy geek, I know. Everybody needs their escape.
Ganked from Dianne Sylvan