Sunday, February 13, 2005


Well. I started out knitting a hat, and I kinda wound up with a really big, stretchy yarmulke.
Mind you, it's a very hip one, red and black and yellow stripes, but, you know. Not very useful.

Oh well. I'm still pretty damn proud of my second knitting attempt. "Look at my neat hat! I can't actually wear it, but isn't it cool?"

In other news, I'm reading Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "Aurora Leigh" for class, and I think I'm going to write my senior thesis on it. 300 pages of blank verse on women's creative force and their role as poets and artists. It fucking kicks ass [/poetry geek]. And I'm giddy at the prospect of using Gilbert and Gubar's The Madwoman in the Attic for my paper. Woohoo!

Oh god. I'm going to be an academic. I just know it. There's no hope.

Also, the title story of The Rose in Twelve Petals makes me wish I had a proper thesaurus, because I could use "amazing," or "fantastic," or "incredible" yet again, but it wouldn't really convey what a gift Theodora Goss has. Remember when you were a kid and you read The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe for the first time? Yeah, like that. Just run out and buy the book (see post below), and you can thank me later.

Still don't know what to do with this blog. If I'm going to keep it up I should probably do that All Consuming book review thingy everybody else uses.


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