Saturday, September 03, 2005

Mean ol' levee cause me to weep and moan

I keep thinking of Arthur Miller's preface to the 50th anniversary edition of Death of a Salesman, where he talks about our societies, "which purport to be stable and sound as mountains when in fact they are all trembling in a fast wind blowing mindlessly around the earth." Also that old blues song, "When the Levee Breaks," keeps running through my head. I've lived around levees and the threat of floods my whole life; civilization is terribly fragile thing. Everything else I want to say has already been said by Morgaine.

In other news, I leave for France in 17 days.


::hides under the bed::

And the fate of this blog hangs in the balance. I have no idea what kind of internet access I'm going to have, or if I want to have a blog over there or not. I really don't know. What do you guys think I should do?


At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A fantastic blog. Keep it up. I'm sure you'd be interested in How to buy & sell no doubt concert ticket on interest free credit; pay whenever you want.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Andygrrl said...

Okay. That's it. I am so hexing you spam bastards.

Maybe I should take this as a sign.

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Winter said...

Oh no. It would be nice to hear about what you get up to. Are you coming in the UK direction at all?

At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You definitely should, if only it were to moan about how terrible and chauvinistic the French are,because they are, although the language they curse you with is rather nice.

Putain, putain, c'est vache mon bien.

At 6:14 AM, Blogger Andygrrl said...

Oh god. French guys. Last summer I had to keep telling them I had an English boyfriend who played rugby to get them to leave me alone! Not looking forward to it.
And Winter--I'm definitely making a trip to the UK! Wouldn't miss it for anything.

At 2:44 AM, Blogger Winter said...

Well let us know if you're coming in the direction of Wales or the South West of England.


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